Genetics and Bodybuilding

genetics and bodybuilding
In this article you will learn how to distinguish a genetically gifted sportsman from a bodybuilder from an amateur whom nature has not given bonuses for the rapid development of a powerful bodybuilder body. This information will help you determine your genetics (good or bad), so that you already know all the pros and cons at bodybuilding at the planning stage.
Genetic predisposition to a particular sport like bodybuilding is often the determining factor in the formation of a champion in the professional arena.
When it comes to bodybuilding, unfortunately, only genetics, it will decide whether you will become great (like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Ronnie Coleman) or not.
As a child, probably noticed that one person is physically well developed, strong, from birth, while the other is weak, thin, with thin bones, with minimal muscle mass. And who do you think will achieve success in bodybuilding more, with equal training and nutrition? Of course the second. This is the so-called genetic predisposition to bodybuilding, when the type of physique of a person, the structure and attachment of muscles favors to occupation with burdening, iron.
Denote the decisive genetic factors that directly influence success in bodybuilding:
- Body type
- Point of attachment of muscle
- Neuromuscular junction
- Length of abdomen of muscle
- Type and number of muscle fibers
- Response of the body to anabolic
- Character (personal qualities)
And now let’s go through each factor in more detail, but we also recommend: Muscular memory of the athlete.
Types of build (somatotypes) of people
Each of us has his own type of physique, which directly affects the amount of subcutaneous fat and muscle, strength and structure of bones.
In order to determine your somatotype, you need to measure the circumference of your wrist. As a rule, if the measurements show from 15 to 17.5 cm, then you can say that you have a fragile and thin bone, if from 17.5 to 20 cm, then you are the owner of the middle bone foundation, well, if your wrist circumference will be more than 20 cm, congratulations, you have a strong and strong bone structure.
Also, in order to navigate with your body type, sometimes an ankle measurement helps (its girth is almost always 5-6 cm below the wrist for all people). Of course, there are exceptions, both in the direction of diminishing, that is, with an equal size of the ankle with the wrist, in this case we can say that the strength of the top and bottom is the same, and in the direction of increase (by 10-12 cm), in this case, the strength of the lower part of the body far exceeds its upper part.
Depending on their nutrition system, training program and recovery, the athlete can change his body to unrecognized. However, someone will be given it easily and not compulsorily, but someone very, very hard. That is why (according to Sheldon ), it is customary to distinguish all people, to the following types of physiques:
- Mesomorph (muscular)
- Endomorph (stubby)
- Ectomorph (thin)

It is important to understand that if you cancel proper nutrition, restore and regular exercise, you will come to where you started. Most of all, in this case, endomorphs will get, because they need to strictly adhere to the sporting way of life, in order to maintain the figure at a high, athletic level.
Also, I would like to draw your attention to the following factors that relate to each particular type of physique.
People with slow metabolism, as the rules are thick, have a lot of excess weight, at the same time, fast digestion promotes weight loss, it will be difficult for people to gain muscle mass.
Someone can eat a lot and not get fat, due to rapid metabolism, and someone can eat an extra bun, a cake and immediately grow fat. In addition, athletes in different ways assimilate substances useful for muscle growth, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
Load response
We respond differently to training programs, someone suffices to do the bench press for 2 times, so that the chest grows like a yeast, and someone and with a 5-day training of pectoral muscles, will not get results.
All individually, a lot depends on the restoring abilities of the body, the athlete’s fitness. However, it should not be confused, beginners and experienced athletes, for the first it is very simple, the body will grow up to a certain point on the universal program, since, the latent opportunities of the beginner (the potential for growth of strength and muscle mass) are still very far from the limit of human capabilities.
Fortress of bones
At a certain training stage, your strengths can reach the apogee, which will be determined by the strength of your ligaments, cartilage, tendons, and bones, the main thing here is not to “tear” and stop in time.
As the legendary Ronnie Coleman used to say, you want huge muscles, then work with large weights, for a large number of repetitions. And as you understand, the more weight will be on the bar, and the more repetitions you can make, the more your muscles will be.
Point of attachment of muscle
The strength of the muscle, if you take into account the genetic predispositions of a person, will depend directly on the points of attachment.
Due to the fact that the muscle is attached to two different bones, it can make movement.
If the beginning of the muscle, all people, as a rule, always located in the same place (this point is called the ” beginning of the muscle “), then the point of attachment of the muscle to the bone is not all so unambiguous.
The attachment point is the place of attachment of the muscular group to the most mobile bone. And, the further the point of fastening is from the joint, the more the athlete will be able to show muscle strength.
For clarity, let’s look at the bicep. One end of it begins at all the lonely, near the shoulder, the other end, that is, where it fastens, ends on the forearm, as it is more mobile with respect to the humerus. Due to this connection with the bones, with a contraction of the biceps, movement occurs (the forearm pulls up to the shoulder). Accordingly, people who will have by nature, the point of attaching the biceps as low as possible on the forearm, will have great power indicators from nature, with any ascent to the bicep.
Genetic gifted athletes to power sports, always have a point- shifted muscle fastening from the joints. In other words, if you take two athletes with the same arms and the same size triceps, then more will show the muscle effort, for example, in the exercise of the French bench press, the athlete whose triceps attachment point is moved farther from the joint.
Even the slightest displacement of the attachment points of the muscles will bring considerable superiority over the athlete, whose points are close to the joints.
Neuromuscular Efficacy
Neuromuscular efficacy will depend on how much muscle fibers are involved, it shows how productive the muscles are, responds to signals sent from the nervous system.
The more involved in the work of muscle fibers, the more effective the exercise is. That is why, athletes by nature with high neuromuscular efficacy, are much more productive in the gym, showing, under equal conditions, higher strengths.
Length of abdomen of muscle
Muscles are attached to the bones with the help of tendons. If the tendon is trimmed, there will be a fleshy muscle tissue, which is called the abdomen (the mounds that we are all used to seeing, on the bodybuilder).
If the area of the abdominal section with the help of training can be increased several times, then, unfortunately, its length is not. It is the last criterion of the abdominal characteristics, that is, its length, that allows us to tell how much it is possible to increase the maximum size of the muscles.

The longer the abdomen of the muscle, the greater the chances of the athlete to build quality muscle mass, both in volume and in the thickness of the muscle.
No matter how much, the athlete did not train her, the ultimate size of calves laid by genetics, that is, the length of the abdomen, he will not change. That is why, many bodybuilders, in the professional arena of bodybuilding, resort to both muscular implantation and banal synthol, to give a pronounced peak, tubercle, or other lagging muscle groups.People who naturally have short abdomens will lag far behind in the limit of maximum muscle development (this rule applies to both in relation to oneself and in comparison with other people). A striking example of the fact, lagging behind a lot of people in the development of the calf muscle.
Type and number of muscle fibers
Depending on the number of those or other muscle fibers, already at the initial stage of growing a young athlete, you can determine its genetic superiority in a particular sport.

Expressed mesomorphs have a large number of white fibers, which, as we have already pointed out, are responsible for hypertrophy and muscle strength. A typical ectomorph, with a training experience of 1-2 years, will look the same as a beginner-mesomorph, but it’s worth starting to train regularly in the gym the last, as others will see his genetic superiority.People who have more white (fast) muscle fibers predominating in the body, initially become lucky, who will be much easier and faster to build muscle mass. In turn, the predominance of slow ( red ) muscle fibers, gives the athlete an excellence in endurance work. And, the ratio of red and white muscle fibers is given to us from birth.
Response of the body to steroids (pharmacology)
Steroids have different effects on humans, it’s a fact. For example, one athlete is given a small dose, the same methane, that would feel the effect of using this anabolic, and someone and a large dosage will not do anything. Everything depends on the presence in the muscle cells of free receptors that could be connected to the steroid molecule in the steroid-receptor complex. So it turns out, someone has more free receptors in the muscles, someone has less, someone’s body responds better to steroids, someone’s worse.
You can read more about how anabolics work for a person.

Person’s character
The ability for a long time to endure muscle pain, burning in the muscles, do everyday work on oneself, its nutrition distinguishes the champion from not the champion, distinguishes people who will achieve success in bodybuilding, and who will never achieve it.
Persistence, focus on the result, to some extent fanatical to your favorite occupation, bodybuilding, are those individual qualities of a person who can do wonders, smash the whole genetics, change the body to unrecognizability, help get around as a result of a genetically gifted athlete, and not gifted.
Summing up, one can say with certainty that genetics is, undoubtedly, very important, and the determining factor of success in bodybuilding, but without proper approach to bodybuilding, proper training, nutrition, recovery, incredible perseverance, faith in success, it turns to dust. Hence, there are so many people, seemingly talented, talented, and yet not realized their gift, their advantage, and so many, selfless, believing in their success people with weak genetics, but have achieved very great results in bodybuilding.
And so, will always, be more persistent, be patient and your work in the gym will be rewarded.
Great advice for amateurs and experienced athletes
It should be understood that no diet, a training program, and a wonderful recovery will ever make you a champion, if your genetics is mediocre, in turn you can change the body to unrecognized, but about any champion, professional level, unfortunately, it is not necessary to speak.
Unfortunately, in gyms, among athletes, experienced level, well, the final among beginners, there is still an opinion that a tough approach to training and steroids can make him a champion. This is just a myth, do not ruin your health for anabolics, they will not make you a professional bodybuilder, if you are not lucky with genetics.
Unique athletes, with champion genetics like Lee Haney, Dorian Yates, Arnold Schwarzenegger,only 1% around the world. That is why, for example, at the competition Mr. Olympia, where the best of the best from all over the world come, you can contemplate gifted bodybuilders only among the first 10-15 places, and just imagine, this is the top bodybuilders from all over the world.