Ronnie Coleman Now 2021: What Happened to Him?

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Ronnie Coleman belongs to the galaxy of great American bodybuilders. The holder of phenomenal anthropometric data, improved persistent training, Big Ron won the title “Mr. Olympia” 8 times, and also won other status competitions held by the International Bodybuilding Federation.

Ronnie Coleman Biography

Ronald Dean Coleman was born on May 13, 1964 in the US state of Louisiana. His mother almost lost her life, giving birth to the future champion. A large baby did not grow by leaps and bounds. At the age of 12, Ronnie weighed about 80 kg and reached a height of 180 cm. Such physical data predetermined the fate of a boy who had been involved in sports since early childhood.

Starting with basketball and baseball, Coleman soon switched to American football. 3 years after entering the school team, Ronald got into the main team and became the leading player in the club participating in the Super Bowl competitions.

Growing up, the young man left training on the field, considering the team species to be traumatic, and entered GSU College in the accounting department. In 1986, Ronnie received a bachelor’s degree and began to earn his own living in a network of Italian pizzerias. However, mathematics did not become a calling for a potential athlete, and Ron changed his calculator to a policeman’s cap and began his career as a law enforcement officer.

Serving in the police required constant physical training, and Coleman started attending the Metroflex gym, where instead of modern exercise machines, there were rusty barbells and primitive dumbbells. The owner of the rocking chair Brian Dobson immediately drew attention to the impressive forms of Ron and personally took up the preparation of the future champion.

Coleman did not immediately believe in the possibility of becoming a bodybuilding star, but did not refuse from a free subscription and professional briefing. After 7 months, the policeman got in the right shape and won the Mr. Texas tournament in 1990, and 2 years later he won the title at the National American Heavyweights Championship and the title of world champion in the same category.


Coleman began to compete at an amateur level. He received a professional athlete card in 1992 after winning the title of absolute world champion at a tournament in Warsaw. Not stopping there, Ronnie began the hunt for the most prestigious award of bodybuilders, the title of “Mr. Olympia.”

Coleman’s training program was extremely simple and as intense as possible. It consisted of power and rocking cycles and was supplemented by aerobic loads. Shaking his back and torso muscles, Ronnie paid special attention to his legs, alternating work with heavy and light weights. This technique made it possible to keep the body in good shape and avoid injuries associated with rupture of tissues and damage to joints.

As a result, Coleman brought his body to perfect proportions. With a growth of 180 cm, the athlete who gained muscle mass weighed 138 kg and continued to lift weights until his biceps reached the desired volume – 60 cm. In this form, Ronnie first appeared at the world famous tournament, but did not win. Without losing his presence of spirit and faith in his own strength, the bodybuilder annually stepped onto the podium, competing with talented and eminent rivals.

He demonstrated the steel muscles of his arms, legs and back, taking effective poses and presenting himself to the judges from various angles, and in 1998 he achieved recognition and the long-awaited victory. Since then, luck has not changed Coleman, over the next 8 years, he held the title “Mr. Olympia”, breaking a record that belonged to Arnold Schwarzenegger . In addition, in the offseason, Ronnie participated in various competitions of bodybuilders and regularly added no less prestigious trophies to the title of “king”.

The celebrated bodybuilder became the multiple owner of the Grand Prix of Russia, Finland, Germany, England, Holland and New Zealand, and also took the highest awards at the 1999 and 2000 World Professional Championships.

Ronnie’s implacable rival for many years was the American bodybuilder from Massachusetts Jay Cutler , who in 2006 in the final “Mr. Olympia” took away the victory from the champion of the tournament. Coleman, injured in the back, took 2nd place. The winning streak of the Big Ron was interrupted, and in 2007 the athlete announced his intention to end his career as a bodybuilder.

In 2010, Ronnie tried to return to the big sport and again take part in the main world competition, but he did not get the necessary form and did not pass the qualifying competitions. After that, Coleman began to be criticized by experts and fans who considered the athlete’s age unsuitable for participation in world-class tournaments. The athlete himself had a different opinion and continued to work in the gym, to which he stuck in his youth.

Having undergone a number of operations on the spine and hip joints, Ronnie retained the presence of mind and in 2016 invited Cutler to hold a face-to-face competition for the title of the best bodybuilder on the planet, but was refused. Nevertheless, the rivals met, but not on the sports podium, but on the set of the biography film “Ronnie Coleman: King”, which was released in 2018.

It is necessary to point out the need to use in the training process Ronnie Coleman Now with maximum short-term stress in those specific angles that correspond to the moment of switching from the inferior work of the muscles to the overcoming work.

Sports practice shows that the majority of training tools aimed at improving the level of speed-strength training, provides a combination of inferior and overcoming modes of muscle work.

Titles and Awards

  • 1990 – Mr. Texas
  • 1991 – “World Championship in Bodybuilding in Heavyweight”
  • 1997, 2003 – “Grand Prix of Russia”
  • 1998 – 2005 “Mr. Olympia”
  • 1998 – The German Grand Prix
  • 1998 – The Grand Prix of Finland
  • 1999, 2000 – “World Professional Championships”
  • 2001 – Arnold Classic
  • 2001 – Grand Prix of New Zealand
  • 2002, 2004 – “Grand Prix of the Netherlands”
  • 2000, 2004 – “Grand Prix of England”

ronnie coleman workout

What is Ronnie Coleman Workout?

The program of Ronnie Coleman is a training split, consisting of two phases, alternately replacing each other throughout the training year, except for 12 weeks of preparation for Olympia. It goes without saying that Coleman’s program is far from suitable for everyone, since not everyone has such genetic potential, level of training, pharmacological support, a free schedule and many other factors that can withstand such a high intensity and volume. That is why the program needs to be optimized for itself, focusing on it, as on some scheme, the principles of which can be used if you are attracted to extreme weights, pain, progress and results.

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But before moving on to the principles of the Ronnie Coleman program, as well as to the scheme itself, a few words should be said about this great athlete, the owners of 8 Sandov statuettes and mass in the offseason of 149kg. Ronnie Coleman, despite the dizzying success that he achieved, remained a faithful and good friend to his friends of his youth, is still engaged in Metroflex with the same coach and the guys who surrounded him at the very beginning of his career. Coleman bought his mother a gorgeous mansion, regretting that he could not do more for her. Being a professional athlete, he continued to work in the police, because this allowed him to benefit society. All this causes respect for him, not only as an athlete, but also as a person with a capital letter,

Principles of Workout

Cycling: this is an essential element of the Ronnie Coleman system, which distinguishes it from other systems. It’s clear that many systems use loops, but Ronnie’s methodology is unique. Coleman prefers to use short cycles of 3-9 weeks, alternating them in well-being. The first is the power cycle, which consists of 1-2 basic exercises, which are performed in the range of 4-6 repetitions in 6 approaches, with a rest between them for 3-5 minutes. The second cycle is mass-gaining, which involves 12-15 approaches per workout of 12-15 repetitions, with a rest between them of 1-2 minutes. Coleman trains 6 days a week, but the first 3 workouts are developmental, and the second 3 are regenerative when using weights of 50-75% of the weights in a developmental workout.

Pyramid: an important principle of the Ronnie program, especially in the power phase, when the athlete works at a high percentage of the personal maximum. The principle of the pyramid implies a gradual increase in working weight from approach to approach, due to which it is possible to prepare muscles, ligaments and joints for maximum tension, which reduces the likelihood of injury. Of course, Ronnie himself received a lot of injuries during his career, as you may know, he had surgery on his knees, but he is less injured than Dorian Yates, although they are both lovers of heavy pieces of iron. What is the matter? But the point is the following principle of the Coleman program!

No failure: surprisingly, Ronnie Coleman very rarely reached the “refusal”, preferring to work more voluminously. It is clear that Coleman worked hard and with weights that drove him to the edge, but still he did not step beyond the line. Most likely, you know this feeling when you do the last repetition literally from your last strength, and if you lower the bar again, your training partner will lift it, this is the condition that Ronnie brought himself to. Does this work? Definitely works! For example, Dmitry Golovinsky trains in volumetric schemes and presses 302.5kg while lying down at competitions. On the other hand, the famous athlete, trainer and blogger Alexander Pasko preaches highly intensive training “to failure”. Does HIT work? Unambiguously works, to which Dorian Yates is an example.

Workout Phase 1

Day 1

  • Deadlift – 4 sets of 4 reps
  • Power bench press – 4 sets of 6 reps

Day 2

  • Squats with a barbell – 6 sets of 6 reps

Day 3

  • Power Bench Press – 4 sets of 4 reps
  • Rod draft on the slope – 4 sets of 4 reps

Notes * phase duration from 3 to 9 weeks; rest between sets 3-5 minutes; You can train 6 times a week or 3 times a week for well-being and opportunities; if you train 6 times a week, then the second three workouts should be carried out with a weight of 50-75% of the working weight in the first three workouts; be sure to spend a warm- up and cool down; cardio workouts are held separately on rest days or “light” workouts. Be sure to use the principle of “pyramid”!

Workout Phase 2

Day 1 (Back, Biceps and Back Delts)

  • Deadlift – 4 sets of repetitions 15-8
  • Link rod to the belt – 4 sets of 10 repetitions
  • Link T-neck – 4 sets of 10 repetitions
  • Link upper block – 4 sets of 15 repetitions
  • Hoists for biceps – 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Deadlift – 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Dumbbell tilts in the slope – 4 sets of 15 reps

Day 2 (Legs)

  • Leg extensions – 4 sets of 30 reps
  • Squats with a barbell – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • Gack squats – 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Romanian traction – 4 sets of 15 reps
  • Donkey exercise – 4 sets of 30 reps

Day 3 (Chest, Front Delts and Triceps)

  • Bench press – 4 sets of 15-8 reps
  • Bench press at an angle – 4 sets of 15-8 reps
  • Hand reduction in the simulator – 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Dips on the uneven bars – 4 sets of 8 reps
  • Extending the arms on the block – 4 sets of 15 reps
  • Front dumbbell lifts in front of you – 4 sets of 15 reps
  • Dumbbell presses – 4 sets of 15 reps

Ronnie Coleman Now (2021)

In the transition from work of a inferior nature to the work of overcoming nature, the muscles act in a static mode under conditions of passive tension, which lasts a total of hundredths of a second. As the external load increases (with a combination of two types of work) during exercise, the duration and magnitude of passive static stresses increase ronnie coleman surgery. The use of additional burdens with inferior work (partner’s resistance, special shock absorbers or the kinetic energy of a freely falling body in jumping exercises), whose action ceases when going over to the overcoming work, causes considerable tension in the muscles. This allows you to start an explosive effort with a high degree of muscular activity, developing a great power of effort during the overcoming work in comparison with those exercises that are performed with an emphasis only on overcoming the work of the muscles. The combination of inferior and overcoming work contributes to the effective development of explosive power, above all, in sufficiently skilled athletes. The effectiveness of the combination of inferior and overcoming muscle work in the process of improving explosive power depends largely on the choice of the optimal value of the power load for inferior work, allowing to achieve the highest performance in the overcoming mode.

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All health problems in a person – from the way he looks at the world, how he classifies the world and himself in it.

Any life problem, including health, must be addressed ronnie coleman cop. Do not submissively substitute the neck, but calmly and thoughtfully analyze the causes of the problem. The entire population lives in constant stress – from the janitor to the prime minister, and “all diseases are from nerves.” But even living in a stressful society, you can learn to move away from stress ronnie coleman wife. A number of principles of a stress-free attitude towards life are outlined in this book.

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What Happened to Ronnie Coleman?

This brochure is part of a series of “little ones” books, summarizing a kind of “Russian coaching,” that is, the author’s method of living in our society in our time ronnie coleman 2017. Our time and our society are characterized by the strongest crisis in virtually all spheres of life. This was in many countries and civilizations before their death, and therefore many consider our time as the predicted end of the world, that is, apocalypse. But it is believed that in fact there is an end to the darkness in which we have lived so far dorian yates vs ronnie coleman. And consequently, the Golden Age will come. To live to its dawn, you need to have clear guidelines – beacons that will lead us through all the predicted shocks from darkness to light. Therefore, the author’s method of Svetlana Peunova offers a kind of “instructions in case of shipwreck” in the form of a series of tips for almost all occasions.

For about 20 years, the author of the method studied the causes of the problems that have become characteristic of our contemporary ronnie coleman 2018. The basic rule on which the method is based, says

And we are accustomed to thinking about the stereotypes with which the whole society lives, and these stereotypes, and brought us all to a dead end. Getting out of the impasse is in changing the direction of thinking from the subjective to the objective. Over thirteen thousand followers of Svetlana Peunova learned to think independently and got real life results in the form of health, happiness, and material well-being ronnie coleman 2018. We offer this method to you, dear reader.

Having tried to bring the stated principles of thinking into your life, you will get the first results, and you will have the first questions that you can ask the consultants by coming to the Academy of Development, calling the call center, going to the website or writing a letter.

We are releasing a convenient – electronic – version of the book “To Health!”, Which will be always at hand and will answer any of your questions at any time. This book is a kind of “pocket doctor”, an electronic guide that will reveal to you the cause of the disease and help to eliminate it.

For deeper work on themselves, several series of Svetlana Peunova’s books were published in paper form, it is more convenient to read them at home, in a calm atmosphere.

All health problems in a person – from the way he looks at the world, how he classifies the world and himself in it. A person simply does not understand how the world works, how life works, how to understand everything that happens. Very often, people have a personal perception of the world, the idea of ​​the world is “Dangerous, unfriendly”, “People can be expected to expect anything, every minute” ronnie coleman height. But in the world there is a law that you think is happening. This is not an unfriendly world – this is what you think about it. And what do you think will happen, because every person is a creator! You create your own model of the world, live with it, and the world only realizes your “order”, your expectations ronnie coleman 2016. If a person really wants – his desire becomes a project, and the world necessarily builds situations in accordance with this project. If you are surrounded by an unfriendly, disharmonious world – it means that this was your “order project”!

Any life problem, including health, must be addressed. Do not submissively substitute the neck, but calmly and thoughtfully analyze the causes of the problem ronnie coleman 2017. With any, even the most difficult circumstances, we must fight calmly so the world works out in you a normal peace of mind. Sincere joy of life, whatever happens, is the basis for solving any problems in it, and recovery too.

Health Problems

Our main problem is that we have forgotten how to think, we have become stereotyped, we always act typically, we think typically, we want the same thing – well-being, and we perceive well-being stereotypically “Machine, apartment, summer house, family …” We forgot the eternal spiritual truths that our ancestors knew the meaning of life and human relations. For us, the main measure of steel and money things. We live in the power of stereotypes, and in our situation of permanent social and personal crisis, we need to act paradoxically, break stereotypes, overcome habits ronnie coleman. Think we were in a situation of universal diseases 98% of schoolchildren leave school with chronic diseases, and what to say about adults? Why did this happen? Because the whole population lives in constant stress – from the janitor to the prime minister, and “all diseases – from nerves. But even living in a stressful society, you can learn to move away from stress. A number of principles of a stress-free attitude towards life are outlined below.

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To get up later than 5.30 in the morning means to promote the stagnation in the body of secretions to the formation of stones in the liver and kidneys, salts in the joints and the spine ronnie coleman now. After 5.00 in the morning, our body must assume a vertical position so that all processes in it correspond to the processes in the world around us. To pour cold water in the morning means to activate the entire internal potential of the body for life, stimulating a huge release of energy into the physical body from its energy system.

The manifestation of will in self-control during the day – strengthening the body’s self-regulation at a subconscious level.

Only positive emotions strengthen health. Close access to the heart of insults, envy, lies, etc suzanne coleman. They beat not only those who are offended, but you too. Negative emotions destroy both the health and the fate of a person, however justified they may be.


Belief in the best is the most powerful medicine ronnie coleman age. Faith gives contact with the great power of the world. The world is our parent, and he will always take care of you if you believe in him.

All diseases are from emotions, emotions are from character. In the same situation, each person reacts differently, depending on the nature of someone does not pay attention, someone has hysterics, someone condemns another person, someone – himself ronnie coleman workout. It is important that the emotion is positive, positive, aimed at overcoming.

Your feelings depend on the character, and the character depends on the worldview. Worldview is your view of life, your judgment about the structure of the world that you consider right and wrong, you owe something or you owe something ronnie coleman steroids. No two characters are the same as there are no two people in the same person. Even twins have different approaches to life.

Thought and emotion are the project on which matter is built. If you support negative thoughts, a program of mental poison appears in the energetics, which in ancient oriental texts is called “imperil”. Then the poison program is converted into material carriers of stress hormones, smooth muscle spasms, and so on.

All our problems arise from a misunderstanding of the laws of the World coleman outlet store. Everything has its cause, however, in life we ​​notice only the consequences – because we generate the cause, and the consequence sends us life as an answer to our actions.

What Does Ronnie Coleman Look Like Now?

If you are sick, then you should make an effort to recover, not doctors and medications. Disease the world signals to you that you are doing something wrong. A person, as a rule, does not like to admit his mistakes coleman today. So he has to be sick, so that changing his views and actions becomes a vital necessity for him.

To realize your life mistake is to remove the discomfort, imbalance, disharmony that you bring into space, and in people around you, and into yourself.

The origin of most diseases – psychosomatic emotions, experiences, attitude to what is happening. Behavior in a given situation never passes without a trace for the physical body. What attitude is health.

According to the existing disease, one can say what kind of character a person has and vice versa ronnie coleman age. Each line of character corresponds to a specific disease. Even if it has not yet manifested itself, it will necessarily manifest.

ronnie coleman before and after

Before and After

Health problems can occur when the family trait sharpens, that is, the world requires you to solve a gender problem, atone for its fault and correct its mistakes.

Recovery is a consequence of the fact that you began to work on yourself, on your family, on the world. And this is an exciting process – the meaning of life appears. There is an instructive parable. Two frogs hit the pot of milk. One frog sank, and the other wiggled its paws and whipped butter, and jumped out of this island. Therefore, “move your legs.”

Tips “All diseases are from nerves” In “Agni Yoga” it is said that the nerves perform the function of carrying psychic energy from space to the human body. That is, all our feelings and thoughts, as if by wires, pass through the nerves. If you engage in meditation, learn to contact with the space and your inner world, the nerves will recover.

Psychosomatics says that many illnesses are caused by fear and other negative emotions – anger, restraint, irritation.

How is Ronnie Coleman Today?

In the fall of 2021, Ronnie shared the news about his health with reporters. The athlete was afraid that the rest of the days could be spent in a wheelchair due to problems with the spine. Recent operations, which cost Coleman $ 2 million, were not successful and instead of the desired relief caused irreparable harm to the health of the illustrious bodybuilder.

However, a denial of this information was soon received from the author of the film about bodybuilding king Vlad Yudin and from Coleman himself, who posted several photos from his own cardio training on Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How Old is Ronnie Coleman?

Ronnie Coleman was born on May 13, 1964. Today he is 57 years old.

How Tall is Ronnie Coleman?

Ronnie Coleman is 5 ft 11 in (180 cm) tall.